2025 Poker Run – Info and Registration

Poker Run Flyer 2025

Click here to register for this great event!

Saturday February 1st 2025- Poker Run, Hike Horseback Ride or Paddle to the prize!

Well pardner, it's that time again to saddle up, hit the trail, collect some cards along the way, and test your luck against your fellow hikers, paddlers, and equestrians. The poker run has always been a blast, and this year will be no exception. Even if you don't win no one leaves hungry after a deluxe cheeseburger lunch with all the fixings and 2 sides, included in every entry. Are you sharing a hand with your paddling partner? No worries at all, just be sure to buy an extra lunch for the second person. Although, wouldn't it be more fun to play two hands against each other?

For our paddlers -

Start your trip at the Canoe Outpost - Little Manatee River, either in a rental canoe or kayak or feel free to bring your own boat. You can start as early as 8 am, but be sure to start your trip no later than 10:30 am to make the 11:30, 12:15, or 1:00 pickup, so you can turn in your hand in time to qualify by 1:30. The friendly and helpful staff will verify your registration (or you can register in person for $5 more, cash only),  and give you your lunch tickets and instructions for the event after you fill out a short paper form. Collect poker cards from buckets as you travel downstream, but don't open the envelopes they're contained in until you reach the event table to avoid any foul play. If you are planning on paddling, call 813-634-2228 to reserve your boats and learn more about this special event! Discounts on your float trip are available for all participants in the Poker Run. 

For our equestrians and hikers -

meet at the event field of the Little Manatee River state park, just half a mile down lightfoot road from our standard entrance at 215 Lightfoot Road. Pull through the gate as early as 8 am when gates open, and meet with our volunteers to register and begin your trip! Be sure to return no later than 1:30 to turn in your hand.  Collect cards from marked buckets along the way, but don't open the envelopes they're contained in until you reach the event table to avoid any foul play. Horseback riders - Proof of negative coggins is required. 

Extra cards are available for purchase at the event table in case you want to improve your hand. Our winning hand will be announced at 2:00 pm, so enjoy your lunch, a silent auction, cornhole, and other entertainment while you wait with bated breath to find out who won the grand prize! Enjoy the cameraderie and friendship of competition with your fellow adventurers until the event wraps up between 2:30 and 3:00 pm.

This event runs rain or shine, and unfortunately no refunds are available if you are unable to attend. Florida state parks have various levels of accessibility. If you need assistance to enable you to participate in this event, please contact the ranger's station at 813-671-5005 to arrange your accommodations at least 1 week prior to the event.

Click here to register or buy more lunches!

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